Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

 A little stitch I did last year for a craft exchange...Please let me know if you are ever interested in doing a craft swap...I love them,they are SO much fun!
 Our favourite hike near the cottage ends up at this little Chapel...isn't it sweet?
 A pretty, unexpected beauty...
Hubby and I in front of the show you how tiny the Chapel is.

Forgot my bag containing my current stitching project at home, so I am waaaay behind. 4 days at the cottage and no stitches to show for it...instead we played alot of board games and enjoyed the autumn beauty.

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Wow, that really IS a tiny chapel!!

    Beautiful foliage. Most of the trees here that aren't evergreens have leaves that turn yellow in fall -- very few red or orange leaves, and I sure miss those punches of color amidst the green & yellow.

    Board games -- have you watched any of the TableTop episodes on YouTube? Wil Wheaton snags 3 friends and they feature a board game or set of cards each episode, giving a highlight of the rules and then footage of them playing through the game (edited as needed to fit within the half hour format). We've picked up some games I've seen on there, and I have more on my wishlist =).


  2. What an adorable little stitch!!! I would love to do a craft swap sometime . . . just let me know. I have never done that . . . sounds fun.
    Wonderful pictures - it looks like a great place to hike. That is a tiny little chapel. It is very sweet - but in my October Halloween mood - that first picture of it all alone in the woods also makes it look a little spooky. :)
    Fall is such a wonderful time of year!

  3. Thank you for leaving a comment over on my blog - because now I've found yours. And I like it very much!!! :-)
    Looks like a lovely, autumny walk! I'm guessing you're from Canada (because of thanksgiving)? We're English, living in Germany. We went to stay with some friends in Canada some years ago, and they took us to their cottage. It was such fun, and such an experience for us!
    Until my next visit.....

  4. Your land looks a lot like my land. I love finding those tiny, brave wildflowers popping up. I take them very personally and see them as signs to keep going, to remember that courage and strength come in all packages. Plenty of "must dos" this weekend, I'm afraid but I was an an amazing energy circle last night that filled up my spirit.


I'd love to hear what you think!